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Vehicle hulls and turrets are cast in resin, while gun barrels, hatches and other small bits are white metal. Vehicles, equipment, and figures are supplied unpainted and require some assembly.
Panzerkampfwagen II (SdKfz 121) Ausf F

At the end of 1940 and the beginning of 1941, the production of the final model of the Pzkpfw II series appeared under the designation Pzkpfw II AusfF. These vehicles had been up-armoured in front to 35mm and the side armour had been increased to 20mm, raising the combat weight to 9.5 tons.When production ceased at the beginning of 1944, a total of 625 machines of this type had been produced.
Distinguishing Features: The Pzkpfw IIF had five independently sprung bogie wheels with leaf springs in contrast to the small bogie wheel construction of earlier models. Frontal armour was increased to 35mm and an improved cupola was fitted with seven vision blocks.


Technical Data
1 x KwK30 20mm auto-cannon (turret); 1 x 7.92 mm MG (turret)
German Tanks of World War II - The complete illustrated history of German armoured fighting vehicles 1926-1945, F.M. vonSenger und Etterlin (Galahad Books, NY: 1969)
Leichtes Panzers in Action, Uwe Feist & Mike Dario (Squadron/Signal Publications, MI: 1974)