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Vehicle hulls and turrets are cast in resin, while gun barrels, hatches and other small bits are white metal. Vehicles, equipment, and figures are supplied unpainted and require some assembly.
Panzerkampfwagen IV (SdKfz 161) Ausf D

The first production version of the Pzkpfw IV came off the assembly line in 1936. The D model, built during 1937-1939 was once again fitted with a bow machine gun (which had been removed in the C model and replaced with a vision slit). After thorough trials of the vehicle in Poland, the Pzkpfw IVD (sd161) was “declared fit for service following its successful troop trials.”
Distinguishing Features: The pzkpfw IVD had eight double bogies, suspended in pairs from leaf springs; three return rollers; idler with narrow spokes; a tall cuploa at the rear of the turret; air grilles on the engine compartment decking; a short stubby gun; and a prominent driver’s compartment. The front MG was in placed in a ball mount and was manned by the wireless operator. A collapsible dipole aerial was mounted on the right side.


Technical Data
1 x KwK24 75mm (turret); 1 x 7.92mm MG (turret); 1 x 7.92mm MG (bow)
German Tanks of World War II - The complete illustrated history of German armoured fighting vehicles 1926-1945, F.M. vonSenger und Etterlin (Galahad Books, NY: 1969)
Panzer-Division 1935-1945 (1) The Early Years 1935-1941, Robert Michulec (Concord Publications, Hong Kong: 2000)