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Vehicle hulls and turrets are cast in resin, while gun barrels, hatches and other small bits are white metal. Vehicles, equipment, and figures are supplied unpainted and require some assembly.
Panzerkampfwagen III (SdKfz 141) Ausf E

In the Pzkpfw III Ausf E, the suspension took the final form adopted for all subsequent production models on this chassis. There were six small road wheels (as opposed to the eight in earlier models) with conventional torsion arm suspension. The Pzkpfw III Ausf E was the first major production version, its 37mm gun being subsequently replaced by a short caliber 50mm weapon. This model was in service at the time of the invasions of Poland and France, 1939-1940. It was a well-constructed vehicle which was superior in firepower and mobility to most tanks in the same class in service with other nations between 1939 and 1941. Introduced as a replacement for the Pzkpfw I and II in 1937, it was itself largely replaced by the Pzkpfw IV, though special purpose variants remained in service until the end of the war.

Technical Data
1 x KwK 37mm (turret); 1 x 7.92mm MG (turret); 1 x 7.92mm MG (bow)
German Tanks of World War II - The complete illustrated history of German armoured fighting vehicles 1926-1945, F.M. vonSenger und Etterlin (Galahad Books, NY: 1969)
Panzer-Division 1935-1945 (1) The Early Years 1935-1941, Robert Michulec (Concord Publications, Hong Kong: 2000)